

The Power of


Sound waves don’t stay just in your ‘ear space’ ~ they penetrate right through your bones & tissue; and reach every cell in your body.
This creates a true physical symphony.

My unique protocol now combines 3 scientifically significant techniques, into a single powerful tool for effortless, non-invasive, non-drug improvement for your health & well-being on multiple levels.

We trust that the magic of sound, will contribute an ever greater measure to the relief of human suffering.
- Robert Assagioli M.D.


Benefit from using Binaural Beats as your brain responds to specific computer programmed frequencies to immediately enhance learning, restore focus & reduce stress.

Our unique Intentional Brainwave Integration approach and techniques were developed as a holistic, non-invasive and easy-to-use audio-guidance to facilitate reaching a state of Brainwave Synchronization, potentially improving your mood, reducing anxiety, and boosting your memory, focus, and cognition.


Use science & sound now to easily re-learn relaxation, improve sleep & support your natural healing abilities using pure harmonic computer generated tones which flow gently through your body.

A deep “cellular vibration massage” for you to re-train your mind/body now for easy relaxation, allowing its natural healing mechanisms to work.  Shown to naturally induce lowered blood pressure, decreased heart, breathing and metabolic rates and mind/body coherence.


Now use sound & visual cues to learn how to naturally take control over vital involuntary body functions such as your blood pressure, blood flow, pain response & heart rate.

Increase your mental vitality & overall performance, while decreasing stress levels, reducing fluctuations in heart rate and blood pressure.
Now take control and learn to manage your emotions through this effective method of training you in identifying and changing certain mental activities and physical reactions.

Clinical Hypnosis is another powerful modality that I offer clients. Using Clinical Hypnosis for stress and anxiety is effective, because it creates a state of deep relaxation. In all anxiety related conditions, there is a single common factor – having a stress response in situations where it is not needed. It is this stress response, more specifically the high cortisol activation, that is responsible for the damaging physical symptoms now experienced in your body. Hypnosis is a powerful tool to help you gain control over undesired behaviors or to help you cope better with anxiety or pain.

Some typical uses:

Self-Confidence                      Memory Improvement

Weight Management             Stress Reduction/ PTSD

Motivation                               Pain Management

Sports Enhancement            Study Habit Improvement

Sleep Improvement               Smoking Cessation

You’re not sleeping well ~ You feel overwhelmed~
You’re overweight~ Your digestion is awful~
Your memory focus & attention is lacking ~
Your performance at work is lowered ~

You’re not sleeping well~ You feel overwhelmed~

You’re overweight~ Your digestion is awful~

Your memory focus & attention is lacking~

Your performance at work is lowered~


Stress is your body and your cells’ defense response to your environment. You need to be able to easily turn-off that response for at least a certain amount of time for your health & well-being. 

VibroAcoustics allows you to:

·        Turn the ‘world’ off; turn-off the chatter in your over-crowded mind

·        Turn off the fight or flight response that comes with anxiety & stress

·        Turn off all emotional responses to outside stimulus

·        Lower the volume on pain

Why Us

How we do it

A standard session requires just 23 minutes.

You’ve naturally experienced for yourself that sounds have different effects on you (depending of course on their loudness, frequency, tempo, quality and any associations you may have with a life experience, etc.).

This is the next big thing in stress & sleep improvement tech. Literally thousands of clinical research study hours on sound therapy have now definitively demonstrated highly statistically significant decreases in…

blood pressure             muscle spasticity

pulse rate                      arousal states

stress & anxiety            tension

and dramatic increases in…


range of motion


sense of well-being, and

other health benefits such as control over pain. 

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Innovative & Effective Tools for You

These therapies have now experienced widespread use in hospitals, healthcare facilities, wellness programs across the United States and even more extensively in Europe.

They enlist the use of pure harmonic computer-generated sound frequencies which effortlessly and naturally reduce pain, stress, insomnia and anxiety with NO chemicals involved.

Results-Oriented Solution to Stress

Intentional Brainwave Integration(IBI)

It’s holistic, non-invasive and easy-to-use audio-guidance (delivered to you through earbuds or headphones) to now help put your right & left brain hemispheres into synch.

This in effect, allows both hemispheres of your brain to communicate more efficiently. That’s key ~ because this communication now effortlessly allows brain signaling blockages to be cleared, freeing your body’s natural ability to heal itself and remove toxic chemicals, harmful hormones and unnecessary stressors that have been proven to raise cortisol levels and produce disease.

Many people who practice yoga and mediate achieve the same feelings. However, my protocol does not require a strong physical and mental discipline to now achieve these identical goals!  

From Sound to Science

Vibroacoustic Therapy (VAT)

This involves generating a specific analog frequency in the range between 30 Hz -120 Hz that is now transmitted through a wellness platform (such as a special mat or a
special backrest). 

As you sit or lie down comfortably ~ the soundwaves gently resonate programmed low frequency sine waves through your body’s skin, nerves, muscles, joints and bones. This provides a deep “cellular vibration massage” to now re-train your body-mind for natural relaxation, allowing its natural healing mechanisms to work, allowing what science has now termed the ‘Relaxation Response’ which effectively is a mental, physical and emotional state characterized by lowered blood pressure decreased heart, breathing and metabolic rates and mind/body coherence. 


Easily Learn to Control Your Mental State & Heart Rate


An incredible tool the effectiveness of which has now been proven in over 300 independent peer-reviewed studies. Your heart rhythm patterns are the best reflection of your ‘inner state’. I teach clients now that they can shift in the moment into a state of balance and renewing feelings, such as calmness and appreciation; through use of this simple tool.  

It requires only a specialized monitor which is attached by wire to either to ear lobe or finger, the software program and a laptop. Yet, not only does it reduce fluctuations in heart rate and blood pressure, it has been proven to increase mental acuteness and overall performance ~ and is completely drug-free!

Finally achieve the effortless relaxation you deserve, to allow the health improvements you need.

Following the combination protocol that I have developed, you feel calm and have sharpened senses whether you already have excellent physical condition now or are simply improving it now.


The experience effortlessly quiets the excess mental worries and distractions that now keep most people from achieving mental relaxation for focused attention, productivity, creativity, sleep or meditation. In addition, it naturally helps boost vitality, increases life quality, body-mind balance & mind clarity. 

My unique protocol is an enjoyable experience. Quite simply, it reminds you both consciously and subconsciously what true relaxation feels like ~ so that you yourself can now easily and naturally return to that state. 

It relieves anxiety and pain. It decreases spasticity. It increases circulation. Cell vibration does this without the side effects found in drugs.